Wednesday, July 9, 2014

New PA STW Schools Present in DC

New PA STW Schools present programs they are most proud at the National Schools to Watch Conference in Washington DC.

ET Richardson MS, Schuylkill Valley MS, Northley MS, and Kane Area Middle School were recognized at the National Schools to Watch Conference in Washington DC on June 26-28, as the four newest schools recognized as Don Eichhorn Schools: Schools to Watch Schools in Pennsylvania.

Dan Tracy, Principal, and Madeleine O'Dowd, Asst. Principal, presented the Advisory program, "The Many Faces of Advisory", that they use at ET Richardson MS in the Springfield Delaware County School District.   Mrs. O'Dowd presented the six types of advisories as defined by national middle school organizations; Caring, Community, Skills, Invigoration, Academic, and Administration.  Both discussed how they implemented their advisory program from the research phase to implementation.  They adopted a program that is a part of their advisory program entitled, Developmental Design.  All teachers were trained in Developmental Design, and they use this program as part of their Morning Meetings two days out of their six-day cycle.  They name their morning meetings, CPR: Circle of Power and Respect.  Their school operates on a six-day cycle where two of the days in the 6-day cycle are SSR days, which frees up time for core teachers to work with students who need support in math or Language Arts.  Two of the days are used for Current Events using CNN News as well as local issues and the last two days are CPR days.  Their Advisory Program meets in the beginning of every day for 30 minutes.  Video clips were shown of some of the Blue and Gold Day competitions used during Morning Meeting days.

For more information about this program, please contact Dan Tracy at <>.  You are able to view the PowerPoint used in the presentation in the Members Only side of the PAMLE website.


Schuylkill Valley MS presented their CORRE program, Cooperation, Organization, Responsibility, and Respect for Everyone.  Presenters included Michael Mitchell Jr, principal, and teachers Kathy Batson, Beth Harner, Ronda Seymour, and Kelly Horlacher.

Mr. Mitchell began the session showing a short video that highlighted the programs at Schuylkill Valley emphasizing the values of cooperation, organization, responsibility and respect for everyone.  Ms. Horlacher, 5th grade learning support, discussed the many opportunities afforded to all students including Earth Day Activities, student generated fund raisers, drama opportunities, homework center, gym/pool after school program, etc. Late buses are provided for after school activities.  Mrs. Harner, librarian, presented many of the cross-curricular activities used in the school.  Sixth graders recreate Williamsburg as part of their social studies curriculum.  Art, and music are heavily involved in all the activities.  Other cross curricular activities include Pi Day, cooperative activities, mythology, Mrs. Seymour, art teacher, talked about meeting the individual needs of all students and providing students the opportunity to move between their elementary and high schools.  Guidance groups were explained.  Mrs. Batson, 8th grade Language Arts teacher, discussed the many opportunities that are available to change their schedules to best meet the needs of their students.  Classes in 8th grade are 80 minutes long with math and Language Arts meeting everyday all year and science and social studies meeting every other day all year long.  Classes rotate throughout the six-day cycle in 6th through 8th grade, so they don't always meet at the same time each day.  During lunch, students are assigned tables and chores each day.  They rotate tables at the end of each quarter allowing them to eat with a whole new set of students.  This allows them to interact with most of their classmates throughout their four years at the middle school.  Each grade level is assigned a theme for the year; 5th grade is Organization, 6th grade is Responsibility, 7th grade is Cooperation, and 8th grade is Respect, and activities are generated around the grade level themes.

Awards are provided to students on a variety of issues, both academically and socially.  Quality and cultural awareness is provided to all students through their social studies and foreign language curriculums.  Other curricular areas take part in many of the cultural experiences; especially art and music that are very involved in having students create and perform cultural experiences.  Other unique approaches include outdoor education experiences, ISTA- Individualized Study, Tutoring and Assistance their last period of the day.  This is where they have band, chorus and supports for students.

For more information about this program, please contact Michael Mitchell at, <>.  You are also able to view their PowerPoint presentation in the Members Only side of the PAMLE website.


Northley MS presented their program, "From Meetings to PLC's; Transforming a School". Presenters included; L.J. Blair, Principal, Dan Hill, Asst. Principal, and teachers Nicole May and Gina Ragan.

Mr. Blair began the session by explaining their Professional Learning Communities, (PLC's) and their meeting schedules.  He discussed how he changed the schools bell schedule to best meet the needs of middle school philosophy.  Ms. Ragan discussed the monthly meetings, outlined topics, attendees and schedule.  Team monthly meetings include, Team Leaders, Positive Behavior Support, Departments, Continuous Improvement Plan (CIP), Schools to Watch (STW), Technology, and New Teachers.  Team meetings were explained and agendas shared.  Mrs. May explained the PLC's in Action - Goal Setting and specific topics for some of the meetings.  Teachers have the opportunity to meet with small numbers of students to review progress and set goals with their students.  Mid-year goals are set on New Year's Resolution Day that is the first day back from winter break in January.  Grade level transitions were discussed for each grade level including activities from 5th to 6th, 6th to 7th, 7th to 8th and 8th to 9th.  Specific agenda items were shared for each transition group.

ISTA - Individual Study, Tutoring, and Assistance, is the last period of each day where chorus, band, and student supports are embedded.  Dan Hill explained the schools referral process and how they use their Child Study Team to review referrals and develop interventions.  Teachers use green cards as a pre-referral method before office referrals for discipline.

For more information on this topic, please contact L.J. Blair at <>.  We will include any handouts as well as the PowerPoint from the presentation on the PAMLE website in the Members Only section under STW.


Kane Area MS presented a session entitled, "Resources and Supports: Addressing the Needs of the Developing Adolescent". James Fryzlewicz, Principal, and Dr. Anderson, Superintendent.

Mr. Fryzlewicz began his session explaining the Kane Area School District; it's large, wide-open rural setting.   He discussed his schools team process and emphasized the importance of team meetings.  The schools vision was shared as well as the KISS program, collaborative instruction, student recognition and incentives, and advisement.  The middle school guidance program was explained and how it is able integrate with the lunch program and not compete with Focus classes.

Mr. Fryzlewicz discussed Kane's emphasis on acceptable online behavior, social networking and cyber bullying.  He reviewed his schools transitions and special education.  Other programs discussed included:
    1.  Schools coordination with outside service providers
    2.  Waterfront - on-line learning program
    3.  KISS - Kane Intervention Success System - coordinates behavior and utilizes
Tier 1, 2, 3 interventions
    4.  Interdisciplinary Units - Medieval Feast, Teaming with the Community, Challenger
    5.  Community Engagement opportunities
    6.  Co-curricular Activities
    7.  Special Celebrations - Who's Your Superman?, Medieval Times Fair, Science Olympiad,
Earth Day, Rocket Day, Anchor Day
    8.  MAA - Mandatory Academic Assistance - after school support using peer helpers
    9.  Local Historians
    10.  Outdoor Education Programs

Mr. Fryzlewicz finished his presentation emphasizing the importance of using community volunteers in both in-school and out-of-school activities.

For more information about Kane's program, please contact James Fryzlewicz at>.  We will include handouts from his presentation in the Members Only Side of the PAMLE Website in the STW section.

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